Outdoor kitchens have become one of the most popular home additions across the country over the last five years. The feeling of having a more upscale lifestyle while spending more time outdoors hits home with family’s of all ages.
Much in the same way that the traditional indoor kitchen is always the most popular room in the house, the outdoor kitchen has become the heart and centerpiece of the modern backyard. People are no longer satisfied with throwing a few burgers & ‘dogs on a stainless steel grill on a Sunday afternoon. Today they want to entertain guests outside in comfortable dining and cooking environments while grilling vegetables, smoking ribs and boiling lobster.
The outdoor living movement has homeowners turning their decks, patios and other unused outdoor spaces into an extension of, and in some cases a duplication of the rooms inside their homes; making it easier and more enjoyable to spend more time outdoors.
With cooking and eating outdoors becoming a priority, outdoor kitchens are more and more in demand. In new home construction they are the most requested feature by prospective buyers. Lets take a look at ten benefits of owning an outdoor kitchen.
1. Add Value To Your Home
Your ROI, also known as Return On Investment on adding an outdoor kitchen is quite significant. The National Association of Realtors has reported that outdoor entertainment areas in general increase the value of your home and that outdoor kitchens specifically increase your homes value by 26%.
2. Less Expensive Than House Additions
In the past when homeowners wanted or needed more space they would increase the size of their house by adding an addition in the form of a dormer or by finishing the basement. The average cost of a dormer is $50,000 and averages about $125 per sq. ft. Although the price will vary based on the scope of the project, outdoor living space additions average closer to $45 per sq. ft.
3. Increase Your Well Being
By spending more time outdoors you will increase your vitamin D levels, get more exercise and feel more relaxed.
4. Eat Healthier
By grilling your food outside you will eat less fat, meats will retain more nutrients, grilled vegetables are better for you and you will use less butter.
5. Flexible Cooking Styles
The options you have in setting up your outdoor kitchen provide you with several different styles of cooking outdoors. Besides the option of a charcoal grill, gas grill or hybrid grill which lets you have both, you can also smoke your food, deep fry, boil or saute’.
6. Eat Home More, Eat Out Less
By having an outdoor kitchen in your backyard you will want to eat at home more resulting in saving money by not eating out as much. Think about what it costs to eat out for a family of four as opposed to eating at home.
7. Entertain Family & Friends
That birthday or graduation party you were dreading because your guests would all be crammed in the house has just become a more relaxed event without the pressure of cooking meals indoors. Family, friends and host are all relaxed and enjoying their time outdoors.
8. The Ultimate Social Space
Having an outdoor kitchen and an outdoor gathering space makes for the perfect chance for human connection. In these days when everybody is buried in their smart phones and laptops, one on one communication has decreased. Cooking and eating together outside creates the perfect social atmosphere for talking and relaxing.
9. Safe Haven For The Kids
When you have created this special space in your backyard where the kids know their parents are spending time outside on a nice summer evening, it encourages them to feel comfortable hanging out in the yard as opposed to running around the neighborhood. Technology has made it easier then ever to bring TV and music to the outdoors.
10. Make Use Of Unused Space… Tax Free!
One of the most obvious benefits of adding an outdoor kitchen and other outdoor living spaces is that you can make use of space you already own. So many backyards go unused because homeowners are not sure what to do with them.
Besides the heavy cost of adding an addition to your home, that space now will increase the amount of taxes you pay on your home. This is not so with outdoor living spaces. You can add kitchens, dining areas, living areas, pergolas, screened porches, water features & fire features all in space you already own without increasing your tax burden.
It’s your backyard…Use it. Live it. Love it!